Sizes & Prices

Your personalised image will be printed on a quality textured canvas, and wrapped onto a timber frame. There are a range of sizes and thicknesses available.

Canvases are available in 18mm and 35mm thicknesses.


25x30cm, 18 or 35mm
30x30cm, 18 or 35mm
30x40cm, 18 or 35mm
30x60cm, 18 or 35mm
35x71cm, 35mm only
40x40cm, 18mm only
40x50cm, 18 or 35mm
40x80cm, 18mm only
40x120cm, 18 or 35mm
50x76cm, 35mm only
60x90cm, 35mm only
60x120cm, 35mm only
76x100cm, 35mm only
90x120cm, 35mm only

Other sizes are available on request.